Privacy Policy

Last modified: January 16th, 2023

1. Overview

Please read the privacy policy below to learn more about how we collect, use, and share your personal information.

2. Data we Collect

Urako-bot doesn't stores your username or profile picture. We don't store any datas about users.We only store things about guilds. The prefixes, your id, and others parameters.You can ask to delete your data by on contact me as bot owner ναηηα#0001 or join support server

3. Bot rules

By using Urako-bot, you are agreening to the following rules 1. No spamming. For us, spamming is doing lots of commands without really using the bot 2. No advertising. 3. No hacking. We don't allow any hacking. If you find a bug, please contact me as bot owner ναηηα#0001 or join support server

4. Sharing you data

We are not going to share your personnal data in any ways. First of all because we do not store it.

5. Content

Urako-bot is streaming content from Soundcloud/Spotify only. When you send a Spotify link, the bot will search the song on Soundcloud/Spotify and plays it.


If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach the discord using this server or contact me as bot owner ναηηα#0001